What are the Top 14 Law Schools and why should you know about them?

Every year, the U.S. News and World Report comes out with an annual Best Law Schools rankings, which include the Top 14 Law Schools in the United States. Besides looking pretty great on your resume, gaining admission to one of these law schools can provide you with enormous advantages in both your law school experience and in your career.

Advantages like:

  • A more holistic law curriculum that can better prepare you to practice in any state
  • Better endowments and summer funding (hello financial aid!)
  • A direct interview and hiring pipeline to the Big Law firms with their current starting salaries of over $200,000 per year

So what does it take to get into a Top 14 Law School?

We’ve compiled everything you need to know about the Top 14 difference, complete with 10 tips to get accepted into a Top 14 school from a Blueprint Admissions Counselor who scored a 180 on his LSAT and was accepted to many of the schools in the Top 14.

Get Your Free Top Law School Guide!

Download The Blueprint Guide to Getting Into a Top 14 Law School for a look at the key advantages these top law schools offer and the actions you can take to get accepted, including:

  • How a Top 14 Law School can make a difference in your law school experience and employment opportunities.
  • Determining your career goals within the legal field and how a Top 14 Law School can support them.
  • Standing out with your LSAT and GPA.
  • Demonstrating your professional fitness and potential as a lawyer.
  • Relating as a real person to the admissions committee.
  • How to identify and overcome any weaknesses as an applicant to a Top 14 school.

Note: At Blueprint, we believe every student should strive to go to the best law school they can. However, we also know it’s not necessary to attend a Top 14 Law School. Use this guide as a way to think critically about what type of law school is best for you.

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