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Comprehensive LSAT prep is always in style. Blueprint’s LSAT prep book is the perfect study guide accessory to your Blueprint Live Course, providing detailed strategy explanations.
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Free eBook on Getting Into Law School
So you think you want to be a lawyer, but you're not sure how to get there? Let's break it down for you. We created the blueprint (pun intended) to becoming a lawyer and helping you decide if it's the right path for you. From the different types of law and employment stats to getting inside the LSAT and law school admissions, find everything you need for your own Elle Woods moment in this Blueprint LSAT Prep ebook.
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LSAT Strategy Book

If you’ve landed on this page, then you’re most likely prepping for the LSAT. There’s always the off chance you just love to read LSAT books in your spare time—if that’s the case, more power to you! If you’re studying for the LSAT and considering our Live Course, you’re probably wondering what our LSAT books are for. Our LSAT Strategy Guide provides extra context and guidance for your LSAT studies, a fast reference for the content you’ll be learning in class, and worked examples of questions you’ve seen before that demonstrate how an expert would approach every challenge you’ll face on the LSAT. Not to mention, we think we’re pretty funny, and our books make a point of keeping up our company-wide habit of bad jokes to liven up your prep. No matter what section of the exam you’re struggling with, these books have valuable content for every student.
Many students choose LSAT prep books that cover individual sections of the official LSAT, i.e. a Logical Reasoning book and a Reading Comprehension book. However, our students don’t need to switch back and forth between different LSAT study books during their LSAT preparation.
When you sign up for a instructor-led Blueprint Live Course, you’ll receive a copy of our Blueprint LSAT Strategy Guide. The Strategy Guide was created to be used as a supplemental reference and place to collect your notes as you work your way through our LSAT course. It’s a book filled with actual LSAT questions accompanied by expert approaches, strategies, and more—all centered around the Blueprint methodology. All your Blueprint resources are designed to work together to help you become an accomplished test taker and reach your top LSAT score. You’ll soon be able to handle anything the LSAT Logical Reasoning or Reading Comprehension section can throw at you, while also learning how to see through subject matter to argument structure and anticipate the questions and their answers by the time you’re finished reading a passage in the Reading Comprehension passage.
Our LSAT instructors teach you all the test taking strategies you need, and then our LSAT Guide reinforces those skills and serves as a quick reference for those game plans. So whether you're struggling with Reading Comprehension or Logical Reasoning or all of the above, Blueprint students have reached impressive score increases on the official LSAT exam, using the Blueprint book alongside a Blueprint course. Name a better duo; we’ll wait.
Need a quick refresher on a strategy without having to rewatch the module videos or your class recordings? No worries! Want to review how to approach a specific question type with guidance from an experienced test taker? We got you. Much like our courses, we say no to fluff to create concise LSAT material that focuses only on the test taking strategies and methods you need to achieve a high LSAT score on test day. Prep as much as you need without having to prep more than you have to!
Oh, and we didn’t forget about our Self-Paced course students—they just don’t need any! Our online Self-Paced LSAT course was designed so that students have all strategies covered in the learning modules.

All our Blueprint books were written by an accomplished team of veteran LSAT instructors and tutors who bring years of experience teaching the LSAT and being in the trenches with LSAT students. Fun fact: the very first Blueprint LSAT book was co-written by Blueprint founder Matt Riley, who infamously turned down Harvard Law to create Blueprint LSAT.