All LSAT preparation and study materials use content found only on the actual LSAT exam.
In addition, your tutoring sessions feature:
Our experienced tutors have all scored in the 97th percentile on an actual LSAT exam.
Your personal LSAT tutor will set and customize assignments within an individualized Study Plan to optimize your tutoring experience and crush your goals.
Our online LSAT tutoring services are available to students in any location. We use the latest remote learning technology with online whiteboards powered by Limnu.
Prep smarter with our AI-powered Qbank and integrated Lessons Learned Journal for personalized practice and guided review to focus on your areas of greatest need.
Your tutor can add assignments, session notes, and schedule sessions through the Study Plan. Join every session right from your Study Plan in one click!
Hear from our students about their LSAT score success stories, which started with one-on-one LSAT tutoring. Read reviews.
We call it a “personalized” tutoring program for a reason: Your dedicated tutor will work with you to create a detailed, personalized tutoring plan based on your needs and customized to your goals. Utilizing our one-of-a-kind Study Plan tool, we’ve created a seamless tutoring experience, where your tutoring sessions, assignments, and personal tutor are fully integrated and easily accessible.
We’ve helped students who:
Are just starting their LSAT prep journey
Have taken an LSAT prep course without improving their score or getting to their goal score
Have already taken the LSAT and are looking to increase their score even more
Are looking to break a 170 score
Complete the form to request consultation with an LSAT Advisor, or call 888-427-7737 for immediate assistance.
Our tutors are the best in the industry, and when you work with them, your prep is completely personalized to you!
We don't play favorites! Each one of our 60+ tutors is a top LSAT scorer! All of our private LSAT tutors have completed rigorous training to ensure they not only know how the LSAT works, but also how to teach it in an engaging way.
Whatever your needs, Blueprint has a tutoring package that will get the results you need at a price that fits your budget. Most of our tutoring packages come with access to our world-class self-paced LSAT course and 12 hours per week of live-online office hours with an LSAT expert instructor.
Completely Personalized Study Plan Written by Tutor
12 hours of additional group lectures every week!
61 interactive learning modules
57 Practice LSAT Exams
7,000 LSAT Questions with explanations
Lessons Learned Journal Our structured note-taking tool that integrates personal insights into your prep for more efficient, guided review.
6 Months of Access to Blueprint’s LSAT Self-Paced Course ($1,194 Value)
Monthly payments available with
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5 Months of Access to LSAT Live Course
Guaranteed 170 or higher on the LSAT or your money back!*
Monthly payments available with
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6 Months of Access to Blueprint’s LSAT Self-Paced Course ($1,194 Value)
Monthly payments available with
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5 Months of Access to LSAT Live Course
Guaranteed 170 or higher on the LSAT or your money back!*
Monthly payments available with
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6 Months of Access to Blueprint’s LSAT Self-Paced Course ($1,194 Value)
Monthly payments available with
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5 Months of Access to LSAT Live Course
Guaranteed 170 or higher on the LSAT or your money back!**
Monthly payments available with
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Complete the form to request a free consultation with an LSAT Advisor.
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Request a consultation with an MCAT Advisor, or call 888-530-6398 for immediate assistance.