Prepping for the NGN? Let’s be BFFs.

NCLEX® review programs designed for how you learn (and live!)


Solo prepsucks.

Do you ever wish…

You had more confidence before taking the NextGen NCLEX?

Someone could just hand you a study plan leading up to your test date?

You could absorb all this information with a video instead?

You could find a study buddy who’s been there before?

Oh, hey. We made all this for you.

Ditch the stress

We created Blueprint’s NCLEX review programs for future real-deal RNs who don’t have time for the stress and overwhelm that come with starting from scratch while prepping for the NGN.

So whether you’re prepping on a relaxed schedule or already have that test date circled on your calendar… We’re ready to get started when you are.

What color highlighter do you want? (Dibs on blue.)

We’re ready when you are!


NCLEX Live Study Group

4 days of live instruction

Includes access to Crash Course & Qbank

“You Will Pass” guarantee



NCLEX Self-Paced Crash Course

Personalized study planner

18+ hours of learning modules

Knowledge checks along the way


Why Blueprint?

For nurses, by nurses

Test-prep savvy + real-world nursing experience = your ultimate study buddy

Zero-fluff content

Laser focus on just the materials you need to study smarter and succeed

Room for review and real life

Stress less and prep on your time with a customizable day-by-day study plan

Which NCLEX review is right for you?

Live Study Group Self-Paced Crash Course
Study on your schedule-
4 LIVE, info-rich review days with 2 instructors-
Live Q&A sessions-
18+ hours of review videos
Hundreds of practice questions
Up-to-date NGN content
Predictor exam
Personalized study plan
Study analytics to see your progress and areas for improvement
Pay monthly — only when you need it!-
One-time payment-
“You Will Pass!” guarantee-
Access to Crash Course Modules
Access to a pretest and posttest-
NCLEX Qbank-
Live Study Group Self-Paced Crash Course
Study on your schedule
4 LIVE, info-rich review days with 2 instructors
Live Q&A sessions
18+ hours of review videos
Hundreds of practice questions
Up-to-date NGN content
Predictor exam
Personalized study plan
Study analytics to see your progress and areas for improvement
Pay monthly — only when you need it!
One-time payment
“You Will Pass!” guarantee
Access to Crash Course Modules
Access to a pretest and posttest

Our Students Love Us!

See what real Live Study Group students have to say about their experience.

“This by far has been the best NCLEX review that I have done and participated in. I just wish I knew about this resource 3 NCLEX exams ago.”

“I think you guys are doing a fantastic job. You are very thorough and informative. You guys definitely care and encourage us.”


“This is one program that I would most definitely recommend for anyone wanting or needing to pass the NCLEX. You all rock!!!!”

“This course was the best thing I could've done for myself! Thank you so much!”

Your path to passing the NCLEX

Pick your prep style

Follow your personalized study plan

Pass the NCLEX and start your career!

Meet our instructors

Sarah, MSN
Roselyn, MSN
Courtney, BSN

Want a preview of our teaching vibe?

Join us for a free class or webinar to get a feel for Blueprint’s study-buddy style!

Find us on TikTok

NCLEX®, NCLEX-RN®, and NCLEX-PN® are registered trademarks of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. which is not affiliated with Blueprint Test Prep, LLC. Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are endorsed by nor affiliated with Blueprint Test Prep or this website.

Free Consultation

Request a consultation with an MCAT Advisor, or call 888-530-6398 for immediate assistance.